Corporate and Commercial law
- Setting up a Bulgarian company is quite straightforward process. It takes up to 3 to 5 working days to set up a company in Bulgaria. If you are planning to set up a business in Bulgaria, we will be happy to go through a little interview with you and choose what will be the most appropriate corporate form it can be set up for you.; For not EU citizens setting up a company can be the way of purchasing a vehicle, a house with a land and give other benefits.
- Applying changes in existing company – accepting a new member, leaving a company from a shareholder, changing an address of management, increasing property capital, etc.
- Liquidation of a company – if your company is „not working” for years and you do not need it any more, may be now is the best time to close it as it cost you annually particular amount of money for preparation and publishing of an annual balance and accountancy fees.
- Purchase or selling of commercial enterprises
- Insolvency, Bankruptcy